Why So Many Kids Abandon Christianity—And 6 Ways You Can Stop It

If you’re a Christian parent, this reality should concern you: Studies show that a staggering number of young adults raised in the church are walking away from Christianity. Research from the Pew Research Center and Barna Group reveals that nearly 70% of young adults who grew up in Christian homes leave the faith by their mid-20s. While some return later in life, many do not.

What’s even more alarming is that most parents don’t believe their kids will be part of this statistic. According to a study by Lifeway Research, more than half of Christian parents assume their children will stay in the faith simply because they were raised in a Christian home. Yet, research consistently shows that church attendance alone isn’t enough to secure a lasting faith.

Additional studies highlight the stark reality:

  • The American Religious Identification Survey found that the number of Americans identifying as Christians has dropped significantly in the last few decades, with young adults leading the shift away from faith.

  • The National Study of Youth and Religion revealed that many young adults who leave Christianity were never deeply rooted in it—they viewed it as a moral system rather than a life-transforming relationship with Christ.

  • Barna’s research indicates that only 10% of Christian 18- to 29-year-olds exhibit "resilient discipleship," meaning they engage in church regularly, trust the authority of Scripture, and live out their faith in daily life.

Why is this happening? And more importantly, what can parents do to reverse the trend? If we want to raise children who hold onto their faith, we need to understand the real reasons behind this exodus and take intentional steps to disciple them in a way that strengthens their biblical worldview.

Why Are Kids Leaving the Faith?

Multiple studies have uncovered key reasons why young people abandon Christianity:

  1. Lack of True Discipleship – Many kids grow up attending church but never experience real, life-transforming discipleship at home.  They don’t understand the historical context of discipleship, they do not see true discipleship modeled at home, and they’ve never been formally instructed what true, biblical discipleship practically looks like.

  2. Weak Biblical Worldview – According to Barna, only 4% of young adults hold a biblical worldview. If kids don’t have a solid foundation, they will be swayed by culture.  They do not understand how the creation account, the Old Testament Law, crucifixion, or resurrection impact what they see happening in the world today, and the disconnect from the Bible to their current reality is massive.

  3. Hypocrisy in the Church – Many young people cite the disconnect between what Christians preach and how they live.  The same people they see raising their hands and emotionally weeping at church on Sundays are the same ones that use foul language during the week before getting intoxicated at a party during the weekend.

  4. Intellectual Doubts – Young people encounter challenges to their faith in college and online, and without solid answers, they often abandon Christianity.  Apologetics and intellectual reasoning are limited to a seminar or two during their youth group days, but can not make up for the daily attacks they face.

  5. Cultural Pressures – The modern world normalizes secularism and immorality, making Christianity seem outdated or even offensive.

While these trends are alarming, the good news is that parents have more influence than they often realize. Studies show that parents remain the most significant spiritual influencers in their children’s lives—even more than church leaders, teachers, or friends.

So how can you, as a Christian parent, equip your children with a faith that lasts?

6 Ways to Keep Your Kids Rooted in Their Faith

1. Make Discipleship a Daily Priority

Discipleship isn’t just about taking your kids to church—it’s about leading them to follow Jesus every day. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 tells us to teach God’s commands "when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." In other words, faith should be woven into daily life.

Practical Steps:

  • Read the Bible together regularly.

  • Pray as a family—not just at meals but in everyday situations.

  • Talk about how faith applies to real-life issues.

  • Serve God together, inside and outside the church.

  • Wrestle, together, with tough subjects, and search for answers together.

2. Develop a Strong Biblical Worldview in Your Home

If kids don’t have a solid understanding of what the Bible teaches and why it matters, they will struggle when their beliefs are challenged. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 reminds us that Scripture equips us for every good work.

Practical Steps:

  • Teach them how to interpret Scripture correctly.

  • Encourage them to ask tough questions—and find biblical answers.

  • Use resources like Answers in Genesis, The Gospel Coalition, Cross Examined, and Stand to Reason to strengthen their understanding of Christianity.

3. Model Authentic Faith

Kids can spot fake faith a mile away. If Christianity is just a routine for you, they won’t take it seriously. But if they see you living out your faith with passion and integrity, they’ll be far more likely to do the same.

Practical Steps:

  • Let them see you reading the Bible and praying.

  • Strive to ensure your daily actions and language align with your profession of faith.

  • Be honest about your struggles and how Jesus helps you through them.

  • Show grace, humility, and repentance when you make mistakes.

4. Equip Them to Handle Doubts and Tough Questions

Many kids leave Christianity because they face objections they aren’t prepared to answer. 1 Peter 3:15 says we must "always be prepared to give an answer" for our faith.

Practical Steps:

  • Expose them to apologetics (defense of the faith).

  • Encourage open conversations about doubts.

  • Address common challenges like science vs. faith, suffering, and biblical reliability.

5. Be Intentional About Christian Community

The Bible is clear that faith isn’t meant to be lived out alone (Hebrews 10:25). If kids don’t have strong Christian friendships and mentors, they are more likely to drift away.

Practical Steps:

  • Get involved in a solid, Bible-teaching church.

  • Encourage deep friendships with other Christian kids.

  • Find strong mentors who can pour into their spiritual lives.

6. Teach Them How to Engage (Not Escape) Culture

Many parents think the best way to keep their kids from secular influences is to isolate them. But Jesus calls us to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:15-18).

Practical Steps:

  • You SHOULD limit and restrict certain ‘opportunities’ until your child has reached a certain emotional and spiritual maturity, but you should also intentionally teach them how to navigate social media, entertainment, and cultural trends with wisdom when that time comes.

  • Equip them to stand firm in their beliefs while still loving those who think differently.

  • Show them how to influence culture instead of being influenced by it.

Final Thoughts

While the trend of kids leaving Christianity is real, it is not inevitable. As Christian parents, we have a high calling—to disciple our children, help them develop a strong biblical worldview, and model authentic faith. When we do this with intention and love, we give them the best possible foundation to stand firm in Christ, no matter what the world throws at them.

Are you ready to take action? Start by making small, intentional changes today. Your kids’ faith journey starts with you.

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